am expecting a reply.... or my case dropped... still the DA
can proceed forward and so can I choose to move forward.
Watch this space......
truly have unlimited storage --- infinity byte storage --- with my
services I secure to host my domain space. The space that is being
hosted is intented to be surviving past 20 years my death --- or for
all maters of purposes --- to all time human history -- whichever
expires first that gives me an option to permalink save the contents at
my domains for prosperity..... I would heed the warning of "TRUST
QUOICENT" degradation that is being directed at you now these days in
2018 and turn around and do some greatness for a change.
Watch this space... it can be changed to
so so easy. 2 hours until the remaining workbin of new
media video -- practice -- on deliverance of the truth. The silence must
be broken and you all should be ashamed of yourselves.